

C-frame SD 600

Sprinkle Decorator

Do you work with very fine granulates, such as coconut flakes or small 100s and 1000s? Then, of course, you don't want a stuck together mess, but the most beautiful and refined result. The Sprinkle Decorator is cut out for this. Our innovative technology distributes the flakes better or in a nice pattern on your chocolate products.

The Sprinkle Decorator is positioned just behind the enrober because your chocolate layer is still warm and liquid. For example, position it above the infeed of the cooling tunnel to allow it to cool immediately afterwards.

You don't want too much spillage in the cooling tunnel? Position the Sprinkle Decorator on a conveyor belt between the enrober and the cooling tunnel and collect any unused granulate. Or easier still: let it return automatically to the buffer hopper for reuse.

The automatic sprinkling machine for very fine and sticky granules or Sprinkle Decorator offers



  • distributes your fine decorations in a nice pattern over your products
  • is easy to move
  • convenient functionality for sticky materials
  • is made of AISI 304 stainless steel
  • is built with standard components
  • meets CE standards
  • is easy to operate using the colour touchscreen


  • automatic product return to the buffer hopper
  • Additional conveyor belt to be placed above the Sprinkle Decorator to limit waste and pollution.


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Sprinkle Decorator


Sprinkle Decorator
Sprinkle Decorator