

DMC 3000-275

Manual demoulding belt

As a leader in your field of expertise, efficiency and ergonomics come first in every step of your production line. Including in the demoulding process. Your employee empties out the polycarbonate moulds and the demoulding belt does the rest.

The belt is equipped with a repository for underlay plates and an automatic destacker. It automatically puts the chocolate products on the plates and transports them to the loading belt and the transport crates. Is the machine too high or too low? You can easily adjust the working height.

This manual demoulding belt – like all BETEC conveyor belts – is custom-made to your project using stainless steel and is suitable for the food and pharmaceutical industry.

The manual demoulding belt DMC 275-3000



  • is custom-made
  • makes efficient and ergonomic working possible
  • has a colour touchscreen
  • is made of AISI 304 stainless steel
  • is built with standard components
  • meets CE-standards
  • has a single-phase 230V 50/60 Hz connection


  • extra extension pieces


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Manual demoulding belt


Manual demoulding belt